Heiken Broadview Sons

A new sire group for us this year are the Heiken Broadview calves. We have thought about using Vermilion Spur E119 and Connealy Spur off and on but when we found Heiken Broadview we knew we had to use him. We were impressed the first time we saw him at Origen and after seeing his most recent photo and photos from others who have viewed him we knew the choice was right.

This first crop of Heiken Broadview calves are stout, packed full of muscle and still have style and balance to go along with it. We think this is a herd bull pen and expect our customers to find more than a few favorites here. Those who are hunting for Angus bulls for sale this spring need to land here. The Broadview heifers are gorgeous, we think they will make model Angus females and can’t wait to see the impact they have. They’re built like the bulls but still look feminine and should be wonderful bull producers for us.

The first set of Heiken Broadview sons sell Tuesday, February 15, 2022 at the ranch, in Umapine, Oregon. Stop by and see them any time!

Kesslers Broadview J043

Kesslers Broadview J121

Don’t miss the opportunity to get in on this first set of Heiken Broadview sons at Kessler Angus. Contact us today for a sale catalog!

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